Vampire cupcakes

The present she was most excited about this night. She Loves hot tamales!

Eliza,Sam, Mckenzie before the movie.

McKenzie, Sam and Eliza after the movie.
McKenzie is turning 12 on November 2. Wow I can't believe it. So she had invited a few friends over for what was originally supposed to be a Halloween party but when only 2 girls could come we switched to a movie night.
Sam came first. I had the opportunity to meet her mom. The two girls have been wanting us to meet for a while. Apparently she has the same attitude i have in wanting to meet the friends parents before turning our kids over to them. Which is fine with me. The world needs more parents who take an active roll in thier kids lives. Anyway I guess I passed the normal read, Sam was able to stay and enjoy the party.
The girls came and we had pizza then had the vampire cupcakes and ice cream. Afterwards Kenzie opened her presents. She got a scrapbooking kit, a game of clue, a couple of dresses (which she desperately needed), a i tunes card and her favorite gift of the night was the huge bag of Hot tamales. That girl adores her hot tamales. It is really funny how much she loves them actually. I had one of the young women say once that for secret sisters for girls camp she will be easy and she will be, get her hot tamales and she is a happy camper.
I then took the three giggling girls to go see Cloudy with a chance of meatballs in 3-D. They had a great time. That is a fun movie. I really enjoyed it along with the girls. Kenzie said she had a great time even if we didn't get the whole Halloween thing going. And I am glad about that.