


No legos, oops wait legos batman for the wii

And of course Cali is happiest in Pink!
Christmas Eve

I can't believe where this girl can fall asleep. This so doesn't look comfortable but what do I know.

McKenzie's 14th b-day


Home school group end of year party

Home school soccer team

So 2011 went by so incredibly fast it is so hard to believe. This family has been busy and chaotic at the best of times but it has been an incredibly good year. All 6 of us have kept busy and overall been healthy this year and for this I am extremely grateful.
Ken stays busy with his work and his calling as the ward executive secretary.
I have of course have been busy being mom to 4 very active kids. I have been homeschooling Nelson for the last 2 1/2 years, but change is in the works for that. I am still in yw which is also very time consuming but well worth the effort. I have been taking piano lessons for a little more then a year now and am loving it. And In october I was able to get a job with a company called Children's hope where I transport foster children. So obviously I am being kept on toes.
McKenzie turned 14 this year which means dances of which she has already gone to her first dance and loved it. it also means she wants to go to efy next year but we will see how that goes. She is enjoying high school. She loved going to her first hs football games this year. She has matured a lot this year and has been become a huge help to me.
Nelson is 11 now. He is loving scouts and not loving school. He is ready to go back into the public school system. He had a blast playing soccer & baseball this year.
Cali is now 9 and in 4th grade. She loves school and does well with it. She also had a lot fun playing softball this year.
Sammy is 7 years old and is all boy. He loves to climb and rough house and play video games. he isn't enjoying school as much as Cali but still enjoys it somewhat I think. He also enjoyed baseball season playing t-ball.
So that's us in a nutshell. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and has a wonderful 2012.
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