So what did you do for New year's eve this year. Me I stayed home with my family which was a change of plans for me. Ken And I were supposed to leave the kiddos at home while we went and enjoyed the company of our friends the Keiths and some others. We were supposed to go to dinner with them and then go back to their place for games and stuff to bring in the New year. Sounds Like a ton of fun, right? SO why did we change our plans? Well that is an easy answer unfortunately Nelson was sick. Boo. He woke up early sick to his stomach. Leaving him with Kenzie wasn't really an option because she doesn't do well taking care of her siblings when they are sick. Shoot she has a hard enough time when its just her who is sick. Anyway we stayed home but still had fun. We played a few games with the kids. and then just relaxed. Nelson had taken a good long nap earlier in the day and was feeling a bit better. Sammy was the only one who didn't get to stay up( sorry Sammy maybe next year). Anyway the kids loved watching the ball drop. Afterwords everyone went to bed hopefully to sleep a good long time.
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