Me and My Daddy. Yes I still call him daddy. I am a bit of a daddy's girl and proud of it. I get to see him even less then I get to see my mom so i had to take advantage of this opportunity to get a picture with him .

My family. My parents, sisters and their individual families and of course my own family.

Our Brand new huge tent.

Me and Nelson making breakfast.

My adorable little nephew Lincoln totally wiped out.

My still adorable Nephew Lincoln zonked out in my hammack.

Sammy and 2 more of my adorable nephews, Owen (or little O) and Eli.
Being at Tahoe with my family is an awesome experience for me. I love being able to be with my family that we see at the top of the page but also being able to see some of my aunts, uncles and cousins is always fun as well.
When we were not at the beach we were hanging out around camp. We Played games , hung out and just relaxed. I love it.
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