When it was time to go they allowed us to take their pick up truck and use till we can figure out what is going on with my car. It is so nice to have a great support system in our lives. Thanks Mary and Fred for the use of the truck and thanks to my mom for helping when she was here as well. I love all of you.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
When it was time to go they allowed us to take their pick up truck and use till we can figure out what is going on with my car. It is so nice to have a great support system in our lives. Thanks Mary and Fred for the use of the truck and thanks to my mom for helping when she was here as well. I love all of you.
Grumpy grandpa's mini farm
Okay so before I get started no I don't call my Father in-law grumpy grandpa he calls himself that and the title I took from his fridge for the list of chores that need to be done. My In-laws Live on a half acre of land and have made great use of that land. This mini farm includes a garden, several fruit trees and of course the animals. It includes 12 grown,egg-laying chickens, 2 pigs named sweet and sour, 3-4 ducks which also lay eggs, 4-5 beehives complete with lots of honey making bees and 8 new little chicks. The Chicks are so cute at they same time they are little strange looking because they have feathers on their feet. I have never seen this before this last weekend. It was very interesting.
Sammy Holding one of the chickens.
The Newest members of the mini farm 8 new chicks
They have Feathers on their feet.
I think this is "Sour", sweet is in the pen.

Chicken And ducks.
All My kids love going to their grandparents house, Sammy especially. He loves helping to gather the eggs as well as anything else he is able to do. This last weekend we decided that Sammy needs to be living on a farm. Being around all those animals was such a thrill for him.
All My kids love going to their grandparents house, Sammy especially. He loves helping to gather the eggs as well as anything else he is able to do. This last weekend we decided that Sammy needs to be living on a farm. Being around all those animals was such a thrill for him.
Spring cleaning
UGH!!! I hate going through my kids clothes. While Cali is all for the fashion show none of the other three are. In fact they could really care less about trying on a ton of clothes. Unfortunately this is one of those neccesary evils especially when all four of my lovely children find it funny to go through growth spurts at the same time. Man it is hard enough keeping up with one or two but all 4 is crazy. So with the help of my mother we pulled out the kids clothes so i could figure what fits and what doesn't. This will help me figure out what everybody needs. Kenzie is sad to be losing her HSM t-shirt that she just got for Christmas and Cali is thrilled because she gets it. To get her to take it off I had to promise to get her another one or a shirt we saw that says "every girl needs a vampire". Yes She has decided to enjoy Twilight after all, But that is a different story.
I am so glad that process is done.
The Jelly Belly Factory

Two days after my very frightening experience I had the great opportunity to go enjoy the Jelly Belly Factory in Fairfield. While driving all that way in the rain in so short a time after my accident had my nerves shot I was still able to have a great time. I thought I was going to have to cancel going because I didn't have a car to get six of us out there but my wonderful family didn't want my kids or me to miss out on this so My cousin Christian offered to come and pick up a couple of my kids. So I took Ken to work and this worked out beautifully.
We were able to meet 2 of my 3 sisters there along with their kids. I would have loved to have the 3rd sister there as well but unfortunately she is in Utah. I had two cousins there as well as thier kids. It was a blast. We had to wait in line for a about an hour or so to get in through the tour but amazingly the kids did pretty good.
I had never been there before and was impressed. I found the whole process very interesting. I also enjoyed seeing all the pictures made from Jelly Belly's. Something else that impressed me was that while everything was glassed or walled off there were windows down at kid level so we as adults were not having to pick up the kids all the time. Also taking a pretty big stroller on the tour was not a problem at all. After the tour we all were able to get samples (yum). I then of course had to go buy some of the belly flops.
When all was said and done we all met at Burger King for lunch. It had a play area so we were able to let the kids work out some of their pent up energy before we all headed out for our hour and a half drives. This was a great time for all. I am so glad to be so close to my family so we can get together and do things like this and that all are kids have the opportunity to get to know each other better.
Friday, April 10, 2009
My Accident pt 2

So on Wednesday I went with Ken to look at the damage I inflicted to the cement divide on the freeway and on my poor Durango. After seeing this I fell apart again. I realized just how much worse it could have been for me and for those poor unsuspecting people around me and again realized How blessed i was the night before to be able to walk away with bruised knees. On Wednesday I also woke with my neck feeling sore but again. I was grateful and happy to only have my bumps and bruises.
I had to thank our Heavenly Father for allowing me to stay on this earth for a time longer.This was truly an answer to prayers. That night before I left in family prayer Nelson prayed I would be safe when picking up my mom and so did my mom. And while I did have this accident i was kept safe even though my poor car suffered. I do truly believe that Heavenly Father was watching out for me this night as he always is.
My Accident pt1
On the evening of Tuesday the 7th I had one of the most terrifying experiences of my 32 years. One that I hope I never have to repeat. I had just gotten on the bridge going out of Marysville to go to the Sacramento Airport when my tires lost their traction and I lost control of my car. It was the most surreal experience for me. Thank goodness i just ended up with bruised knees and absolutely no one else was involved. But because of How my car ended up spinning I ended up blocking the bridge for about an hour or so.
When I got home I spent the rest of the night crying and shaken. I was also so completely thankful I didn't have my kids in the car with me or that my car didn't hit anyone else in that whole horrible process. I of course had to thank our Heavenly Father for this.
When I got home I spent the rest of the night crying and shaken. I was also so completely thankful I didn't have my kids in the car with me or that my car didn't hit anyone else in that whole horrible process. I of course had to thank our Heavenly Father for this.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
What's going to work? Teamwork!
So last night Ken had family home evening and he decided to take the fun route. He decided to make learning about teamwork a fun thing. So he went and set up a race course in our backyard, grabbed some spoons and raw eggs. We then proceeded to have relay races. Ken and I at one point did an egg toss and amazingly enough got all the way across the yard from each other without breaking the egg.
While some eggs did get broken everyone had fun. And at least for tonight everyone learned the importance of teamwork.
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