So baseball season is finally over. The kids all had fun at their end of year parties and getting their trophies. I had fun watching all the games and the kids had fun playing them. it has been really good for all of them to do this and I am happy that they have had this opportunity. It is amazing to watch all them grow and progress when they do things like this. I do hope that they will want to do it again next year.However I am exhausted. And am glad to say it is over for now. Now I get a break from it for awhile.
All their confidence levels came up a bit this year.Nelson went from being afraid of the ball to learning how to pitch. He never pitched in the games but he was learning. And He did make a couple of impressive moves while out on the field. Cali had a blast learning to play softball and I think she may want to learn how to pitch as well. I am constantly seeing her mimic the movements of pitchers. SO I guess I will see what comes next year when she is no longer on a farm league. Sammy had fun but i don't think he had quite as much fun as the other 2. So it will be interesting to see if he wants to do it again next year or not.
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